Labels, what would we do without them? We read labels on the foods we buy and the drugs we take. Labels explain how a product should be used and what it will do. But what about the labels politicians use to describe themselves?
Consider the stark contrast between labels on consumer products and those in politics. The Fair Packaging and Labeling Act ensures that product labels provide accurate information, empowering us to make informed decisions. It’s a leveling of the playing field, a safeguard against deception. Yet, in politics, labels are never certified; the candidate simply chooses them, often with the aim of deceiving the voters into giving them their support.
In politics, labels are never certified; the candidate simply chooses them, often with the aim of deceiving the voters into giving them their support. In the South Carolina’s State Senate District 27 race, one candidate shamelessly adopted the conservative label, which she is far from embodying. This is a stark and unsettling reminder of the potential deception lurking behind political labels.
State Senator Penry Gustafson is the incumbent candidate in the June 11th Republican Primary for the 27th district seat. She has held this office since 2020, when she defeated Vincent Sheheen. She ran in that race as a conservative, in her mind. I, at that time, gave her the benefit of the doubt, but her voting record over the past four years shows her to be anything but conservative.
One of the main issues with the conservative viewpoint is the issue of the Second Amendment of our U. S. Constitution. This week, Gustafson was “endorsed” by the NRA. Why? I don’t have the slightest idea. The following should also address the same question in your mind.
Back in 2021, when the idea of Constitutional Carry was being discussed in Columbia, Gustafson was at the forefront, along with nine other “Republican” state senators who voted to deny you your right to defend yourself. You can read about it here: With near supermajorities, Republicans remain obstinate to the demands of gun owners in SC. – Palmetto Gun Rights
Here is a little something from her Facebook page prior to her vote:
Of course, when you have betrayed those who voted for you based on your word that you are a conservative, the justification playbook is opened and quoted:
And when all else fails, and the time comes for you to run for reelection, you vote in a way that you hope the voters will forget your true political ideology and will be hoodwinked into voting for you again. Penry Gustafson’s Voting Records on Issue: Guns
Another major conservative issue is the issue of protecting the unborn, more commonly known as “Pro-Life.” With the SCOTUS decision that states should be the place where the laws regarding abortion should be determined, the legislature in Columbia passed the act known as the “Heartbeat Law.” To put it simply, if a fetus has a heartbeat, it is protected by South Carolina from being murdered. One would think that any conservative would have no problem supporting such a law, wouldn’t they? Well, Penry Gustafson is not one of them.
Gustafson has decided to side with those who think that murdering a helpless human being should be the norm. She joined with two other Republican senators and two democrat senators, all women, to try and prevent the passage of the Heart Beat Bill. Their efforts resulted in them being awarded a “JFK Profile in Courage Award.” Can you believe this? Can you believe that a person who says they are a conservative supports the idea that it is permissible for a woman to murder their child? Sorry, that is not my definition of a conservative!
Now, you might tell yourself, Rich, you have it in for Penry. Well, you are right about that; I hate being deceived by anyone. But I am not the only one who thinks Gustafson is far from conservative. So, let’s see who else feels this way.
The Legislative Scorecard is an educational project of The John Birch Society. They have given Penry a lifetime score constitutional voting of 25%: Penry Gustafson
Another watchdog group monitors legislators’ Pro-Liberty votes. Gustafson has averaged 25% overall but lowered herself to a dismal 17% in the 2023-2024 session. Imagine how low she could go if given another four years in Columbia? South Carolina Legislative Scorecard » Legislators » Penry Gustafson
After all is said and done, one thing stands out: Penry Gustafson is not a conservative. In fact, if she were a member of the other party, she would be deemed left of center. So please don’t believe people who give themselves a label because, in politics, there is no Truth in Label Law.