Since When?

Since when has the United States of America, a beacon of democracy and self-governance, allowed foreign powers the right to control aspects of our country?  From what I have learned, NEVER, until now.

The Group of Seven Countries, better known as the G7, has agreed to phase out coal-fired electrical generation plants by 2035.  But wait, has our congress had anything to say about this?  Have the people we elected to represent us agreed to this plan?  Since do foreign countries decide how America will be run?

Currently, America is at a crossroads in supplying the electricity we need to maintain our lifestyle.  The insane rush to shut down fossil-powered generation for what the left calls “green energy production,” namely solar and wind-powered, two processes that are unreliable and not capable of supplying the needs of our country.

Once again, I remind you that this country has a 300-year coal supply. This fuel source is a reliable and clean method of producing electricity using current technology. To allow other countries to tell us to stop using it amounts to treason, in my opinion. Now is the time to contact your representatives and make it clear that they have to stop this insanity. If it is not stopped now, America will become a third-world country.


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